Who We Are

Founded in 2021, Pronomian Publishing is dedicated to producing Messiah-centered works that affirm the authority and relevance of the Scriptures, including the Torah (Law of Moses). We strive to equip Christians and Messianic Jews with academic and practical resources to deepen their understanding of Scripture, defend their faith, and walk faithfully with our Savior every day.

Led by CEO David Wilber, our publishing house is committed to making biblically sound pronomian scholarship accessible. Our Pronomian Pocket Guide series features books by Christian and Messianic Jewish authors that explore key biblical passages from a pronomian (pro-Law/Torah) perspective. We are also proud to publish Remember the Sabbath by David Wilber, a detailed biblical and historical study on the Sabbath and its relevance for believers today.

At Pronomian Publishing, our mission is to provide thoughtful, well-researched materials that inspire believers to embrace the fullness of Scripture and defend their faith with confidence.


If you do not find the answer to your question below, feel free to contact us.

How do I place an order?

All of our books are available for purchase through Amazon.

Do you take submissions for publishing?

If your book aligns with our values and beliefs (see our Statement of Faith below), reach out to us via our contact page. We primarily publish theological commentaries, apologetics works, and devotionals.

What is the meaning of your name, Pronomian Publishing?

“Pronomian” is a theological position held by Christians and Messianic Jews who affirm the ongoing validity and applicability of the Torah (the Law of Moses). The term means “pro-law” and stands in contrast to “Antinomian” (an anti-law theology). We chose the name Pronomian Publishing because we publish resources that reflect a pronomian theological perspective.

Statement of Faith

Our published resources align with the following statement of faith.

  • We believe in the inspiration of the Bible as the word of God. By “Bible” we mean the 66 books of the Protestant Canon.

  • We believe in one God, eternally existent as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

  • We believe that Jesus (a.k.a. “Yeshua” in Hebrew) is the prophesied Messiah of the Old Testament, the Son of God, and fully divine. He died for our sins, was raised from the dead on the third day, and will one day return to establish his Messianic Kingdom on earth.

  • We believe that all humanity has sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. Salvation can only be found in confessing Jesus / Yeshua as Savior and Lord.

  • We believe that the Torah (Law of Moses) has not been abolished but serves as an expression of love and obedience to God. Keeping the Torah is not a means to salvation but a believer’s response to the salvation they have already received by faith in the Messiah.